Haemoassist 2
Recertification: 08/2022
StatConsult, Gesellschaft für klinische und Versorgungsforschung mbH, proved that its IT-based service Haemoassist® 2 complies with EU data protection law. Haemoassist® 2 is a smart-phone based therapy management application for haemophilia patients and their physicians. It consists of an electronic patient diary (application) in interaction with a web based monitoring-interface for the attending physicians. Patients may not only use Haemoassist via the smartphone app, but also via a dedicated web interface. Patients and their physicians can be sure that processing of personal data –based on patient’s freely given declaration of consent – is in line with the demanding provisions of EU data protection law.
Haemoassist® 2 (v2.7)
Function as provided in August 2022
Qualification: IT-based service (processor service)
View the Haemoassist® 2 Certificate
11/08/2022 – 31/08/2024
Recertification No. 2 on 26/04/2019
Recertification No. 1 on 12/08/2016
Initial Certification: 08/10/2014
04/2023 O.K.
12/2023 O.K.
Recertification 2022: Haemoassist® 2 Short Public Report [PDF]
Recertification 2019: Haemoassist® 2 (v2.7) Short Public Report [PDF]
Recertification 2016: Haemoassist® 2 (v2.4) Short Public Report [PDF]
Initial Certification: Haemoassist® 2 Short Public Report [PDF]
Gesellschaft für klinische und Versorgungsforschung mbH
Halberstädter Straße 40a
39112 Magdeburg
The Haemoassist® 2 IT-based service uses only pseudonymised data: Instead of the patient´s name, a specific ID is stored in the database of the service. The correlation of the patient´s name to this ID is only known to the patient and his/her physician.
Patients and physicians should pay special attention to privacy related issues of their IT systems (smart-phones, clients, etc.), as these items do not form part of the ToE.
The Haemoassist® 2 service compiles and stores data from patients and physicians that concerns the type of therapy and the development of the medical condition. This data is stored on the patients’ smartphones and in the central database. Instead of the patient´s name, a specific ID is stored in the database of the service.
In addition to the functionalities that were already covered by the previous recertification, the target of evaluation of the current recertification includes the following (new) functionality:
The re-evaluation showed that Haemoassist 2 meets all applicable EuroPriSe requirements.
In addition to the functionalities that were already covered by the previous recertification, the target of evaluation of the current recertification includes the following (new) functionalities:
The re-evaluation showed that Haemoassist 2 (v2.7) meets all applicable EuroPriSe requirements.
A new technical functionality was implemented for patients: They can now access the IT based-service not only via the already known smartphone app, but also via a new web interface which is secured by login + password and TANs. The (re-)evaluation of the EuroPriSe Experts concluded that this web interface as well as all other relevant components of Haemoassist® 2 (still) meet all applicable legal and technical EuroPriSe requirements (for details, please cf. the current version of the Short Public Report).
Haemoassist® 2 is a smart-phone based therapy management application for haemophilia patients and their physicians. It consists of an electronic patient diary (application) in interaction with a web based monitoring-interface for the attending physicians.
The target of evaluation consists of the following components:
Excluded from the target of evaluation are the following components:
Every patient automatically receives a “welcome package” from his/her physician describing the Haemoassist® 2 service in detail before he/she can download and use the Haemoassist® 2 app. The declaration of consent form for patients is part of this “welcome package”.
The Haemoassist® 2 service is limited to EU-member states and ist IT servers are located in Germany. The storage of personal data takes place only in Germany, but the Haemoassist® 2 service can also be used by patients who live in Austria, Denmark and other countries of the European Union.
Tobias Mielke
TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH
Langemarckstraße 20
45141 Essen
Jörg Joachim Schlißke
TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH
Langemarckstraße 20
45141 Essen
Knut Haufe
PERSICON consultancy GmbH
Friedrichstraße 100
10117 Berlin
Hannelore Jorgowitz
PERSICON consultancy GmbH
Friedrichstraße 100
10117 Berlin
Die deutschlandweit erste Zertifizierung für Auftragsverarbeiter nach Artikel 42 DSGVO.
Die deutschlandweit erste Zertifizierung für Auftragsverarbeiter nach Artikel 42 DSGVO.
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